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Cultivating Happiness. Joy & Wellbeing

Updated: Apr 16, 2022

Often times individuals struggle with defining and wrapping their minds around the true meaning of happiness, joy and wellbeing.

What is happiness and joy? Although hard to define, many will say it is a state of being but what "state of being" brings on the state of happiness and joy? It is a broad and diverse set of circumstances, personal preferences and emotions.

Joy is defined as a FEELING of great pleasure and happiness, Happiness is defined as STATE of being happy.

One must ask themselves what makes me happy? Does love, money, friends, family, material goods create happiness? Then it becomes something that is ever changing with mood or circumstances. What one truly seeks is JOY, for it is unchanging no matter our external circumstances but an internal feeling .

There are things that one can do externally that will add to their happiness but for everlasting joy/happiness an internal change must take place that transforms the innermost aspect of self to obtain joy that is not fleeting with our external circumstances. We are born with nothing but are born happy and joyous. It is life that can tarnish and skew our natural state of joy and happiness. How do I get back to my original set point at birth? Happiness and Joy is our natural state of existence. At this time, how do we get back to how we came in? Some, in the search of happiness, bring distruction into their lives or into the planet, in the pursuit of happiness. All those who depend on external situations to be happy, will never know true joy in their lives.

The source of joy is within you; you can take charge of it. When you are fundamentally joyous, when you do not have to do anything to be happy, then every dimension of your life – the way you perceive and express yourself and the world – will change. Your joy and happiness will never be based on what one does or does not get or obtain but operates on a deeper level of INTERNAL joy and and happiness.

The status of our inner being is what defines the extent to which one feels happy/joyous vs sadness and depressed. [Read More on Overcoming Depression]

WHAT ARE THE INTERNAL WORKS AND THINGS THAT NEED TO BE CULTIVATED TO TRANSFORM AND HEAL ONES STATE OF BEING. One must look internally to discover what satisfies the soul for once the soul is joyous so shall the entire being be so.

The key to accession to the realm of internal joy is complex. It comes with innerworkings such as forgiveness, healing, enlightenment, internal transformation as well as changes in our way of thinking, feeling and doing.

The things that have stolen ones joy/happiness is often related to life events and environment. We ALL deserve happiness, joy, peace, and harmony within and outside of ourselves!

Although there is no magic formula to joy and happiness, there is a path!

Embrace the exuberance of happiness and joy by implementing these 10 tips.



    1. Release Torment: A state of torment is a state of self imposed torment where one continues to play past events over and over in there head, reliving the emotions of that event.

    2. Forgive: Unforgiveness is a burden that is carried around by the person who holds it. Forgiveness is for ourselves, not the other person.

    3. Therapy: Various types of therapy is beneficial to release trauma and depression. Every method isn't for everyone and every therapists isn't for everyone. Keep trying until you find the right combination and right therapist that resonates with your soul and journey of healing.

    4. Heal: Healing from and releasing those things that broke you is critical to embracing joy and happiness.

    5. Self Talk: Maintain positive self talk!


    1. Environmental Change: The space in which we exist and operate can often be at the core of our unhappiness and lack of joy. Place yourself in an environment conducive to joy and happiness.

    2. Supportive Friends/Family: As one strives to be in a place of exuberance, there is a need to have within ones space, those who support this journey.

    3. Habits: Develop regimented habits that assist internal transformation:

      1. Positive daily affirmations

      2. Prayer

      3. Meditation

      4. Journaling/Writing

      5. Positive speech, thoughts and actions


    1. Spiritual Resources: There are various spiritual resources such as candles, dolls, baths, soaps and rituals that assist with removing negativity and calling in joy.

    2. Reiki: I believe Reiki is a spiritual healing as it deals with the energy of a perosn which is tied to the spiritual energy and dynamics of all beings.

    3. Spiritual Allies: The spiritual beings that walk with us, such as GOD and our ancestors can provide deep healing beyond what we can do on our own, in places that we are incapable of accessing ourselves, which is often the case when recovering form trauma, abuse, PTSD and other things like Associative Displacement Disorders and the like.

    4. Prayer: I can not emphasize the power of prayer as part of cultivating joy and happiness! Pray for joy, happiness, healing and restoration that nothing can take away and it shall be given.

  4. Life Energy - Mental Energy - Environmental Energy

    1. Be careful of the energy that one allows into their lives! Everything we allow within our being can impact our state of happiness and joy. People, Music, Thoughts, Places, Life Circumstances, Speech, etc. Be careful what you think, see, say and accept as part of your energy bank.

  5. WELLBEING (the basics)...

    1. Wellness: About mind body and spirit. The totality of your healthy. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, nutritionally. Is your wellness in balance?

    2. Finances: Tied to how we live and operate within our day to day lives. Often tied to ego and self worth. Requires great level of attention. Financial Freedom and abundance or struggling to get by

    3. Relationships: Time with self and others. Important to build strong, healthy and solid relationships. How an individual speaks to themselves becomes the foundation of our relationships. Don't base your self value based on how people treat you. Don't allow people to mistreat or disrespect you!

    4. Career: We often spend more time at work than we do with our friends and family. Do you enjoy the work that you do? Are you fulfilled? Occupation and career path provide fulfillment and satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

Although, as stated, there is no magic wand that will bring happiness into ones life, there are many tools that can be implemented to cultivate, maintain and eventually transform ones entire being into one of joy and happiness. Look for areas of improvement within ones life, in these areas, and ask yourself how to improve these areas of wellbeing, joy and happiness. Determine that it will be, no matter what, and it shall be so.

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